Beyond the Memories

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Kanna Seto lost her childhood friend Haruta in a car accident when she was a freshman in high school. Carrying the emotional pain from that incident throughout her life, Kanna is still wounded as an adult. Kanna then meets Roku Akazawa, who also carries a painful experience from his past. When Roku was an elementary school student, a girl who was with him got into an accident and died. Because of that incident, Roku carries a heavy sense of guilt. Roku then tries to make Kanna feel love again. Based on the manga series “Kiyoku Yawaku” by Ryo Ikuemi (published in Cookie magazine from January, 2004 – January 2010). The manga series consists of 10 different love stories and the movie “Kiyoku Yawaku” is based on the last episode “Kanna story”

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