Day of Redemption

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“Money, love, or dignity?” is the question underlining the upcoming movie Day of Redemption (?????), which opens in theaters on July 19th. The story follows Gu Bin (Vic Chou), a dropout turned first-rate negotiating expert who is not afraid to resort to trickery in order to climb the ranks of society. Favored by Alice (Bai Yu), the arrogant and bossy daughter of a rich businessman, Gu Bin is stunned to discover that his competitor in a business acquisition negotiation is none other than Zhou Ting (Tong Yao), his first love and with whom he was in a relationship for eight years. In the ensuing nine-hour acquisition case, which takes place during a seemingly normal nine-hour workday, both Gu Bin and Zhou Ting must make a choice between work and love.

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